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To start foiling, choose the flattest water possible, between 10 and 15 knots of wind. Add 5 meters of line to your standard line length because the longer your lines are, the more constant the power will be in the kite, unlike short lines will mean fast and jerky movements.

Ideally, undercover yourself slightly and use the kite to get on the board, then keep the board flat on the water, the goal is to generate speed by sinusoidizing your kite. Keep your center of gravity above the board and foil to avoid generating parasitic movements. Don’t press down on the back leg to try to get the foil up but rather load on the front leg to counter it. As you accelerate and gain more horizontal speed, the foil will lift itself. Always remember to press down on the front leg again. It is preferable to first touch the foil every 15 meters, which will allow this vertical dimension to be integrated. As you go along, you’ll be flying longer.

For safety reasons, avoid starting with onshore winds and avoid over-canvassing. Start in an uncrowded place, where there are few kitesurfers and away from swimmers. Foil requires vigilance, always remember that as soon as you feel signs of fatigue, it is better to stop so as not to lose your caution.

If you still have questions about this, or for any other request, please do not hesitate to contact us !

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