Wake Foil Pack: Pocket 2023 + S-foil


“The best combo to excel in wake-foiling”

The pack includes the 2023 Pocket board, designed to offer unparalleled agility , as well as an S-Foil 1190 Lift or 1350 Lift. If you are looking for the ideal foil for wake-foiling, while offering exceptional performance in other disciplines such as wing-foil or surf-foil, this is the pack for you.

Pocket 2023 : Its ultra-stiff construction and compact size gives the impression of being one with the foil, giving it exceptional responsiveness. The whole thing reacts exactly as you expect it to and it’s exhilarating!

S-Foil 1190 and 1350 Lift : These high aspect ratio wings will allow you to glide without limit on any boat wave. Choose the 1350 Lift for taller riders (+85 kg) and to ride in the 2nd to 4th wave of the boat and the 1190 Lift for lighter riders or to be closest to the boat in the deepest waves. We do not recommend using the 1190 Speed in wake surf foil as it is too fast.

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